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Doula Service + Birth Support
Doulas are birth professionals dedicated to your overall wellbeing in pregnancy, birth and postpartum. I offer you; birthing wisdom incorporating a variety of preparation approaches , evidence based research, thorough education, pain management, unconditional encouragement and continuous physical labour support in your home and in the hospital.
Giving Birth should be your greatest achievement…. not your greatest fear
As your birth doula, I perform different support roles dependant upon your unique needs:
- I have experience and support all types of births including Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC), Twins and Breech births. I work in all environments, including public hospital, private hospitals (with select few OB’s only), birth centres and home births (with a private practice midwife present).
- I Provide evidence based information to enable you to make informed choices.
- Support you during pregnancy, including breath centred pre-natal yoga, birth preparation, and frequent check ins.
- Support you and your partner during the labour in your home and in the hospital.
- Offer Optimal Maternal Positioning which helps your baby settle in positions most helpful for the birthing mother for her labour to progress smoothly and more quickly.
- Connect you to acupuncturists, pregnancy and post natal chiropractic care, womens health physiotherapists, osteopaths, nutritionists, massage therapists and other related support services for women.
As preparation for birth, I typically:
- Meet with you multiple times during your pregnancy for Birth Education and preparation and to build our relationship.
- Offer the opportunity for you to practice pregnancy yoga via my LIVE Zoom classes.
- Help you understand all stages of birth, physiologically and emotionally.
- Help you develop a daily practice of tools you will use to work with the intensity of labour.
- Help you develop a clinical care birth plan / preference.
- Help you to understand / navigate hospital procedures.
- Teach you OMP (Optimal Maternal Positioning), breath work, affirmation practice, visualisations, sound and throat opening, active birthing, counter-pressure, massage, acupressure, use of essential oils, calm birthing, hypnobirthing and meditation skills.
- Help you express and store colostrum and understand its importance.
- Help you understand unexpected outcome.
- Help you prepare for a Cesarean Section Birth (planned or unexpected).
- Help you arrange Placenta Encapsulation (if requested).
- Give access to TENS machine hire for The Birth Store with %15 discount code.
- Give you a USB with films, documentaries, parent education classes and educational resources.
- Plan your 4th trimester / post natal period.
During the labour and birthing process, I do everything I can to honour your birthing wishes. This may include helping you to:
- Settle into and progress your labour in your home.
- Involve and empower your partner (if you have one), to support you.
- Use Optimal Maternal Positioning techniques to help your labour progress smoothly.
- Understand your contraction patterns and progress.
- Relax/progress labour through specialised movement, counter-pressure, rebozo, essential oils, acupressure, affirmation practice and meditation.
- Get into comfortable positions, using water if desired. Use smart rest techniques.
- Get adequate nutrition and fluids and empty your bladder often (this can challenging for some women).
- Choose the right time time to leave for the hospital.
- Understand your options and communicate your preferences to the medical staff.
- Interact and be present with your labour and birth experience.
- Ensure your placenta is packaged ready for encapsulation (if required).
After your Baby is Born
In the Post Natal period / 4th Trimester I can:
- De-brief your birth experience with you (this is crucial for emotional well being).
- Coordinate Ayurvedic meal delivery service via Meals 4 Mummas.
- Answer any questions you may have about care of your new born.
- Ensure Breastfeeding and nipple care are going well.
- Connect you to home visit Lactation Consultant or other services if needed.
- Provide additional home therapy treatments for placenta wound healing and adrenal support, using moxa.
- Gentle Post Natal Restorative Yoga.