birth doula

Meet Danae…

I am a mother of two beautiful boys (7 & 9 years old), a specialised Sydney birth doula, pregnancy (prenatal) yoga teacher, gut biome coach and ketogenic nutrition coach. I am passionate about overall health and supporting women and families to provide guidance, information, emotional and physical support during pregnancy and birth.

I am Sydney’s first (and only) OMP educator for parents and birth professionals –  Optimal Maternal Positioning (OMP) Birth Educator 

My years of yoga teaching breath centred yoga provide an excellent background to understand the complexities regulating the body, breath and mind, which is invaluable in pregnancy support and birth preparation.

birth doula sydney

Why choose Danae? 

I am a full time birth doula. This is my passion and my purpose.

Over the past 10 years I have supported hundreds of women in preparation and birth in Australia and overseas.

My approach and expertise in pregnancy and the birthing experience is unique. This is demonstrated through my extensive education and experience combined with a thorough understanding and passion for OMP practices / education, yoga practice, meditation and breathing exercises.

I work best with active women who; already have a strong desire for a physiological birth, have a positive mindset towards working with themselves and pain, will commit to participating in my Yoga / Birth Prep classes and want to integrate peak nutritional health and overall wellbeing into their birth preparation.

My personal style and experience has enabled me to develop excellent working relationships with Obstetricians and Midwives in private and public hospitals and Home Birth. I am able to create synergy between clinical care providers and a woman’s birthing wishes, which enables me to be a strong advocate for women particularly when they feel most vulnerable. I take pride in bringing the whole birthing support team together to help achieve the best possible outcome for the mother (her partner) and baby.

I support women that choose to birth their baby in birth centre’s, public hospital and home birth. After the experience of supporting well over 500 births, I have chosen to exclusively work with one Obstetrician, Dr Andy Pickering, for women birthing twins, breech birth, women that elect private care or have medical indications requiring expert support. Dr Pickering practices evidence based, women centred care.

My passion and overwhelming preference is to support Home Birth with a private practice home birth midwife. I can offer a revised package for families choosing this model of care in my local service area. 

My goal is to work with mothers to prepare their body and mind for “peak state” –  the ultimate human experience of giving birth.

My testimonials speak for themselves.

More information about my doula and birth support services »

OMP and Birth Education

I am Sydney’s first, and only, OMP birth educator.

My journey to become a birth educator and Optimal Maternal Positioning (OMP) specialist came from an interest in understanding how babies move through the pelvis and how that facilitates or stalls the progression of the labour.

OMP is not just about me having this amazing knowledge, its about teaching women and partners to have a depth of understanding of the mechanics of birth, a birthing woman’s body, the journey your baby takes and how to be hands on to really make a difference to Birth outcomes in any environment.

More information about optimal maternal positioning »

Prenatal Yoga Classes

Pregnancy yoga + birth education classes.

In my Sunday morning Yoga Classes I welcome women from 12 weeks pregnant and take them through to birth (sometimes women in early latent labour join in class, so beautiful).

My prenatal yoga classes incorporate:

  • 10 minute birth education / preparation topic
  • a physical practice
  • specialised meditation
  • hypnobirthing affirmations in practice
  • self regulation and mindset training
  • pranayama (breathing techniques)
  • moving energy for birth
  • instinctive active birthing positions
More information about prenatal yoga classes »
Book your free pregnancy yoga class »

Guest Speaking + Media

I have appeared in numerous media publications and podcasts.  If you would like me to present or speak at your organisation or community group, please get in touch.

Guest speaking enquiries »

Podcast Appearances

Relevant Qualifications

Yoga Institute of Australia 

  • Diploma of Yoga Teacher Training – 1500hrs
  • Post Graduate Pre & Post Natal Yoga Teacher Training – 50hrs (completed whilst pregnant)
  • Leslie Kaminoff – Bandah’s & Breathing Practices – 20hrs
  • Leslie Kaminoff – Yoga Anatomy – 20hrs

Australian Doula College

  • Diploma of Birth & Post Natal Doula Training

4 Trimesters Singapore

  • Optimal Maternal Positioning Ambassador Training – Ginny Phang
  • Optimal Maternal Positioning Educator Training – Ginny Phang

Spinning Babies USA

  • Spinning Babies Ambassador Training – Gail Tully

iRest Meditation 

  • Diploma of iRest Meditation Practitioner Training

Gut Health and Microbiome

  • Diploma graduating with Disctinction – Stanford Center for Health Education

Ketogenic Nutrition

  • Diploma graduating with Distinction 

Carnivore Nutrition

  • Diploma graduating with Distinction

Why Induction Matters

  • Workshop for understanding impacts and PHD researching on the impact of Induction on Australian birthing culture

Pain Power and Physiology

  • Rea Dempsey

Indra Mohan

  • Pranayama (Breathing Practices) Practitioner Training

Teaching + Sharing Knowledge

University of NSW

Each year, I present to second year medical students at the University of NSW.

It is an honour to highlight to trainee Doctors the importance of the birthing experience for the Mother.

Yoga Institute

As a proud member of the teaching faculty of the Yoga Institute, I mentor teacher trainees through the Pregnancy and Post Natal Post Graduate program.

Enquire about my birth educator services »